Showing posts with label texture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label texture. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Labyrinth of Restlessness prototype

That one was kind of quick. My "engine" is getting more and more programmer-friendly. Today I've added diffuse texture support (after 2 months, believe?!) and did some fixes and little additions.
Prototype was really easy to make, now I can go to more serious things like advanced texture mapping techniques (normal, specular and shadow) and some other graphical effects.

Prepare to be scared ;)


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Edges #2

Hello there! My second approach to edge detection is almost over. See what I got:

I know it's not perfect, but let me call them good enough. Normal vectors of faces are rendered to texture, then Sobel operator is applied and the result mixed with a regular render.

I had a really serious problem with my first render to texture. I didn't know why, but a geometry didn't wanted to render on a giver render target view. After hours of surfing I came at some really weird... It's because MSAA. I've turned it off and render-to-texture began to work, it's some DirectX issue that stands for disability to have more than one high quality texture in use (for MSAA).

Actually, I'm a noob so I don't know how to fix it :D So all I need is to implement supersampling, this should work, if only I'll make it ;)

But right now it's high time to get everything to work. Make some menu and stuff, then I can go to visual upgrades.